Know everything about the .website domain
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Register .website Domain
The .website is the most obvious example of a truly generic top-level domain, and is suitable for people and companies who have missed their chance to get a country-specific and .com version of their domain name; they have opted for a dot website top-level domain instead. It is also used as a redirection location by some companies, and it often has a very high recall value. It is a memorable for websites that have longer or more confusing domain names, especially if domain name and URLs do not contain words, such as
Who should use the .website Top Level Domain?
Typically, it is used by companies and brands that offer a service, app, game or downloadable element on their .com website. Such companies will create a .website TLD site where people may visit if they require instructions, information, or if they wish to administer their account. It may also be used as a redirection location to pull people from a busier website in order to lower server loads. The fact that a dot website top-level domain is so generic means that it has a little more potential than most of its alternatives. People have very few expectations when they arrive at a website that has dot website as a TLD, which means your homepage or landing page is the first impression they get other than whatever impression the user gets from your domain name (homepage URL).
For all our TLDs, please visit our overview of all domains!