CDN: Enhance your Website’s Performance

When your website has reached the ultimate level of success, receiving high volumes of traffic daily and expected to grow exponentially you don’t want slow website speed and security issues to slow your growth down. A report from eMarketer retail sales worldwide across e-Commerce is forecasted to reach $1.9 trillion with projected growth expecting to … Read more

Yeah Sure, You’ve Built a Website. What next?

Congratulations! You’ve just built your brand spanking new website from the ground up. You chose a ‘brandable’ and catchy domain name, a mobile-friendly theme design, and you’ve placed the necessary information on your site about your company. You’re About page tells the story of your business and brand, your Contact Form is ready, Product pages … Read more

Compelling Copy: How to Convert More Users

Why does a website selling the same product or service attract more followers and generate more business than another? Simple, with compelling copy of course! Nearly all good, persuasive content contains these 10 basic elements and if you get these right, you are onto being a winner. You do not necessarily have to implement them … Read more

Great Visual Content: Here’s What You Need

Online businesses, blogs and e-commerce sites all have one thing in common; they need to have a constant stimulation of online growth and engagement with their customers. How is this done? By coupling great text-based copy and stunning visuals you can catapult your content marketing or email marketing campaign. There are a few ways you … Read more