Hi everybody!
We are happy to announce that hosting.co.uk and its sister brand hosting.co.uk were bought by Zonat S.A. in December 2017. Because of that our team has entered 2018 with a feeling of a new beginning.
Hosting.co.uk start
DI S.A., our previous owner which holds a prestigious portfolio of Internet domains, started its web hosting journey in 2012. It founded hosting.co.uk that quickly grew to one of the best-rated hosting brands in the UK. With the wide range of products and technologically advanced solutions proposed to the clients hosting.co.uk is a leading company on the market.
The new owner
Our new owner Zonat S.A. is a strong player in domain monetizing business. It is profiting from ownership of such domains as website.de, yourwebsite.com, yourdomain.com and many others. Last year the owners of the company decided to bring their performance to the next level by investing in hosting business. Frederick Schiwek, the CEO of the company, who moved from DI S.A. to Zonat S.A said the acquisition was for the company the logical consequence and result of previous investing choices.
Will it impact me?
The owner change will not provoke a revolution at hosting.co.uk. The brand was taken over together with its staff. Our clients and affiliates have nothing to fear about as they stay in the same caring hands. We will make sure changes have positive impact on our performance. We want to grow and be better for you guys.
Stay tune for our upcoming offers!