Reseller hosting allows you to reuse hosting services and sell them yourself. Sure, you most likely will pay a monthly fee for the resources you are renting, but you can upsell your services and ensure a direct profit from recurring clients. Selling to your loyal audience who will keep coming back to a face they know is much more beneficial than passing them off to an affiliate and losing that future profit. The only downside to Reseller hosting is dedicating more time to customer service, but better and more personal care can lead to clients who will never leave your side.
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5 Things to Look Out For in a Domain Reseller UK Program
Let us explore 5 things to look for in a quality domain reseller UK?
1. White labelled Reseller Hosting for branding
When you are creating your own business, it is important to have your own branding. This is exactly what white label domain resellers offer. In fact, with this business model you’re able to design all the details of your brand from the font, the colour layout, to the logo. This is excellent because you get to market your services exactly how you want to. This is also advantageous if you already have an online presence where you are known to have a certain colour scheme and logo in order to help with brand recognition.
2. Scalability: Flexibility to Downgrade and Upgrade

Whether you’re a small business to an established agency the best domain reseller UK will cater to the needs of the many at appropriate prices. You should look if the plan being offered will give you enough disk storage and perks to simplify your life as a web host. This site offers a price for all their payment plans so you don’t have to worry about the price increasing out of nowhere. Plus, it’s scalable meaning if you started with the cheapest payment plan and you realize you are steamrolling then you can simply upgrade without losing your clients data.
3. WHM for easy management

Web host Manager simplifies and manages webhost services like automating the creation and management of clients’ accounts. Additionally, WHM tracks client billing, so you can keep a solid archive of your customers.
WHM allows you to see the service that your client is currently using, the domain name they are registered under. Additionally, you can suspend clients account if you suspect or know they are doing something sketchy like fraud or copyright violations. If it’s something more dire like scamming, you can terminate their account outright. Just as good white label resellers sell different payment plans to their clients according to their needs, you should be doing the same for your clients to accommodate several types of users. Naturally, while using your service they should be able to upgrade or downgrade their plan and with WHM this is an easy task. While managing a particular client you can select “Change Package” to modify their service.
You do not need an accountant as WHM automatically tracks the billing of your different clients. You can track activated plans, the products they have used during their time using your hosting service. The tool keeps a record of how long clients had their account when and why their account expired. Moreover, you can manage the credit of your clients if they have overpaid or paid in advance for your services as well as other transactional related tasks like recording refunds and underpayments.
4. 24/7 Hosting support
Tools or an error that have got you muddled or maybe a query about the product you are redistributing, it is always a relief that you have a shoulder to lean on in times of uncertainty. You should be on the lookout for a webhost company that is ready to answer your concerns. Because let us face it, if there is a delay on the domain reseller’s end about something you can’t tackle yourself then your clients have to wait that much longer. That is not good for brand loyalty now, is it?
5. UK domain names
If don’t want to position your business as being one from the UK, while also wanting to appeal to more international markets domain names like .org and .com are quite fine to choose. However, if your business positions itself in the UK market or you wish to appeal to UK customers this domain name can inspire trust or customer fidelity.
In fact, “81% of British internet users prefer to use a website when buying online over a .com.” according to Nominet.
So we can safely rule that registering a domain name UK TLD is therefore good for both marketing and branding.
To wrap up
You need to look for a domain reseller UK that allows your clients to customize their site every step of the way from aesthetics to the domain name. Also look for a reliable reseller hosting sites which over 99.6 uptime and 24/7 customer support. Lastly keep an eye out for WHM so that you can streamline most of your webhosting management services. If you’re ready to set up your own domian reseller UK service, Hosting UK is the right platform for you. Let us help you get started or transfer to our world-class reseller network. If you’re still looking for more answers before making your final decision, ask Hosting UK’s Reseller experts here, we’re always happy to help.