Web Servers: Cloud Platforms vs. Dedicated Servers


It is important for your business to have a website. Sometimes your website is your business. Regardless of why and how you do have one, that website needs a hosting platform. The clear choice is to get one that loads at lightning speed, is not excessively costly, has reliable uptime and performs well. Your company’s bottom line is impacted by your website’s load-time, which is greatly dependent on the efficiency of the web hosting platform. The web hosting server you choose is very important. To help you understand how critical this is, let us breakdown two major types of web hosting services- cloud hosting and dedicated servers.


What is Cloud Hosting?

In recent times, more persons have been using cloud hosting. Cloud hosting uses virtual servers instead of physical ones to store your files and data. It uses virtual technology to generate an unlimited number of servers with all acting as individual entities. The process of “cloud saving” is that of pulling resources from physical hubs strategically located worldwide.

Cloud hosting allocates storage resources using clustered file systems such as a large Storage Area Network (SAN).


What is Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated hosting servers often use multiple processors and is one of the most powerful machines on the market. Dedicated server hosting does not use virtual technology. Instead, it stores files and data on physical servers. All of its resources depend on the limitations and capabilities of a single physical hardware.

The hardware is specifically designed to deliver top of the industry performance, durability, speed, and reliability. Storage, bandwidth load, RAM and type of processor and other resources are customised to suit the needs of clients.


Similarities between Cloud Servers and Dedicated Servers

Both cloud and dedicated servers perform the same actions at their core. They also run similar applications, such as:

  • Storage of information
  • Collect, process and respond to requests within industry standard response times.
  • They both outpace shared and VPS solutions
  • Efficiently handle excessive traffic without lag in performance.
  • Advanced security
  • web applications Stability


What Are The Difference Between Cloud Platforms and Dedicated Servers?

 Cloud servers and dedicated servers share a number of similarities. For example, you can configure both to provide levels of performance, security and control. However, the difference lies in that cloud server will store your data on a shared virtual environment while a dedicated server hosts your information on physical hardware that is used by only you. There are other differences as well and these include:


Companies seeking fast information processing and retrieval usually choose dedicated servers. This hosting solution locally processes data that means customers do not experience performance delays.

On the other hand, cloud servers go through a different process, using SAN at the back-end to access the data then using hypervisor. This process results in a certain level of delay that you cannot reduce.

Dedicated server processors are completely devoted to the host website. And since it’s highly unlikely for all the processing power of your dedicated server to be used at once you won’t have a backlog of requests. With cloud hosting processor, cores have to be managed to prevent performance from degrading.



Upgrading or scaling has to be carefully planned to ensure you keep your website downtime to a minimum. Both cloud server and dedicated hosting provide you with the ability to scale. However, they both work differently. Dedicated servers may need more resources and time in order to change processors.

On the other hand, cloud server storage is simple to scale. In addition, expanding your cloud storage is faster, has less impact on the overall operations, and does not affect your uptime.

Dedicated platforms need preparation to evaluate server requirements accurately, while cloud platforms require some kind of planning to work around any potential limitations you may face.


Cost Comparison

Normally, cloud servers cost less than dedicated servers. However, with cloud servers you may end up paying more as your company requires more resources as you scale up.


When to Choose Cloud Hosting Platforms

If you want a web hosting solution that is flexible and high performing, then a cloud-based solution may be what you are looking for. Cloud hosting works on many levels, from huge companies to individuals operating high traffic blogs/websites.

So if your website has a steady volume of traffic or you are experiencing spikes in traffic, you need a server that won’t allow this to slow down your site or even cause it to go offline. Cloud hosting is the only option to fix this issue. Dedicated server and VPS hosting, are also great options.


When to Choose Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is also a great choice for individuals and organisations wishing to grow their online business. With dedicated server hosting, you have full control over the server and all its resources are solely yours. You have the freedom of installing your own software applications. Since nothing is shared with others, you will have more bandwidth, security, storage, and other resources to help your website perform well, and experience limited to no downtime.

The Verdict: Cloud Servers vs Dedicated Servers

Both cloud hosting and dedicated servers hosting are designed to facilitate and support almost any service or application. They both can easily run on the same kind of software and use similar back-end tools. At the end of the day, the computing platform must configure to complement the needs of your business. For a more informed decision on your part, consider the following:

  • Look at the advantages each solution offers
  • Review the current needs of your business or blog/website
  • Be mindful of the future needs of your organisation and the possible scalability requirements.

Bear in mind that both cloud servers and dedicated servers offer the best hosting solutions. They both have their place and it is for you to decide which best fulfils your current and future needs. If you are in the market for the best web hosting service, we are able to provide you with multiple hosting options to help you run a successful website.