dns server

What is a DNS Server?

In this in-depth blog post we answer the question what is a DNS server, give a full rundown on how they work and explain why they are called the phone directory of the internet.
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ways to secure your blog

5 Ways to Secure Your Blog in 2020

Blogging has progressed from being a landing pad of confessions as an online journal to being the best way to boost your marketing strategy online by providing quality, informative content and value to your customers and audience. Every day hundreds, if not thousands of blogs go live on the internet, but with the growing web … Read more

wordpress plugins for security

10 WordPress Plugins to Block out Cyber Criminals

Few things are as terrifying as getting hacked. After all the time and money you’ve invested in your WordPress website, the thought of some mischief maker deleting your data is enough to break you out in a cold sweat. And that’s not even the worst that could happen. Some hackers are after more than a … Read more

Secure Your Cloud Hosting Plan

Best Ways to Secure Your Cloud Hosting Plan

The number of businesses opting to use cloud hosting to store their critical IT infrastructure and website data has been growing tremendously. That’s mostly based on the fact that cloud platforms offer unprecedented operational efficiency, flexibility, performance, and profitability. However, as with all web hosting services, cloud hosting also comes with both benefits and drawbacks … Read more

Secure your Website on a Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is the practice of hosting many websites on one physical web server. The concerns listed below are valid; however there are a number of measures you can take to secure your website on a shared hosting plan. It is common and generally inexpensive, but it also comes with many security concerns, such as: … Read more